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                                                                                       Application of automotive electronic control system

Car companies around the world rely on Honyone's reliable, high-performance, high-quality switches to power their innovative applications and designs.
The core value of car switching is its product tolerances, tactile demand, acoustic adaptation, environmental and process seals, and mechanical or electrical interface integration, and Honyone has successfully delivered the above points to customers over the past more than 20 years.

Honyone's Automotive switch portfolio consists of four key areas:

Internal control, including central console and steering, seat or top control;

Access to management, including car keys, door locks and handles;

Power assembly and wire functions, including electronic parking brake and gear shifters;

Internal inspection, including sun visor, glove box and seat belt switch. The company's history of reliability and unparalleled custom design capabilities makes Honyone the only option to withstand the harsh environment that modern vehicles represent, laying a solid foundation for successful design.
宏利源电器有限公司 版权所有 备案号:粤ICP备10233032